Podiatry Rewards Software

Patient rewards software, and so much more. BuzzyDoc’s podiatry rewards makes it simple to get your patients to accomplish their day-to-day tasks, and simple to organize everything else you need.

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Why Podiatry is Unique


Your podiatry office is compliance and loyalty based so your rewards program should support those goals. After working with several other healthcare industries, we are confident that we have the solution your practice needs. We have several customizable templates for you to choose from that will allow for an easy program roll out while still delivering on all the areas that are most important to your office.

Your Podiatry Program Will Focus On:

  • Patient Compliance: The cost associated with patients not complying with their treatment plans can not only burden your office but cause a setback in the patient’s progress as well. Rewards create a fun and interactive way to keep your patients on track so your office can flourish.

  • Referrals: ‘How can we set our office apart?’ Acquiring new patients is on the top of every practitioner’s mind. With so many options for your potential patients to choose from, how can you make sure they are choosing you? Again, rewards is the answer. When patients are able to receive an incentive they really want for bringing in their friends or family members they will be much more motivated to follow through!

The Podiatry Approach:

  • Your Model: Podiatry practices are new comers to rewards but we are confident that they will see nothing but success. The best-matched model for podiatry is Coffee Shop rewards. Your patients will  be motivated to keep their appointments, follow the treatment plans you lay out and remain loyal to your practice throughout the years.

  • Your Rewards: In an podiatry practice we suggest rewarding patients with Instant Redemptions (Amazon/Tango gift cards). When your patients have the ability to earn for the things they love to do outside of your practice they will be more compliant and willing to positively participate.

Become A Podiatry Key Opinion Leader (KOL)


Are you from a different industry?

We are currently expanding into other industries in the medical field, so please contact us; we would love to work with you.

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